The DBI_Activate_Repeater is an extension of the DBI_Activate processes allowing for any of the DBI_Activate jobs or Linux commands to be executed repeatedly. This process was used in practice to execute extracts from a source DB repeatedly in order to update a destination database near real time. There are several parameters in this metadata table that can be configured to optimize the workload.
Table Rules
- Active_Flag (Y/N) – Enbables or Disables the process from actively executing
- Process_Name – The name that represent the process most adequately. The name must be unique within the table dbi.dbi_activate_repeater.
- Linux_Command – Any Linux command to be executed repeatedly. This is typically a script provided by DBI, but can be as simple as a Linux command.
- Interval_Min – The time interval in minutes from the last execution
- Relative_Absolute_Ind (R/A) – This defines whether the next iteration will execute the ‘Check_Interval_Min’ no matter what, or wait for the ‘Check_Interval_Min’ before the next execution.
- Start_Hour – This is the hour/min the job will start execution
- End_Hour – This is the hour/min the job will end execution
- Notes – This is metadata that can be used for reporting